Friday, July 15, 2011


I have been inspired. Yes, inspired to blog. Over the last month or so I have been bumping into a dear friend of mine--we hardly plan our occurrences, but lately we've been seeing each other quite often. I know it's beyond our doing & perhaps all more than just coincidence :) Our lives are similar in many ways--we both are child care providers, our husbands are in the automotive trade, and we're always looking for creative ways to support our 'ohana. Anyway, she's been telling me about how she's been blogging & enjoying it--so I've been reading her posts every now and then at Adventures of a Maui Mom...

I've been toying with the idea for a few weeks... should I start blogging? Would it just add to another one of the daily "have-to-do's"? Will it be something I continue with? Or just something I start and do on occasion?

So I've decided--just do it and we'll see what becomes of it, no pressure! As a work from home mommy there is little adult interaction aside from the morning and afternoon visits I have from parents and my mom's daily visit at my hale. The point is that it's sometimes nice to have conversations that don't involve stinky diapers, preparing meals, or sharing with friends. I guess this will be my outlet--my rantings & ravings about my life in and around my home. 


  1. Oh you're going to get hooked now! LOL

    I've really enjoyed our random catch up sessions. Love hearing about all the wonderful things going on in your life! I think you're going to enjoy blogging, it's like a mental break from the everyday busyness. :)

  2. I like to go to a blogger's first post. see how or why a blog was started or to learn a little about a blogger. Welcome to the world of blogging! I would have loved if blogs were around when my parents, I and our children were growing fun to read back on! Since I got brave enough to get on the computer to share the art I do, with the encouragement of our older daughter, I jumped into blogging. (Seems as if there is not enough free blog time, so I am happy if I can manage to get my "one post a week" up! and to do some blog visiting and return a thank you visit to all that leave comments. :o) It has been awesome to meet others that would not have been possible, as well as, jot down some of our family memories for our children to look back on.

    So nice to meet you!
    Blessings & Aloha!
    Oh...following you now and also decided to have "Hawaiian bloggers" on my sidebar, so that I can hopefully visit more :o)

  3. Mahalo for the follow, following you right back :) It is so easy to get lost in the blogging world and I would love to spend more time learning about blogging and meeting others, but then reality sets in and the keiki are awake from nap, dinner needs to be cooked, clothes washed... etc. LOL It is nice though to meet others and spend some time reading through blogs!
