Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Refreshing Start

So I initially started blogging because I thought it'd be a good way for me to vent and share my mana'o (thoughts). But after reading through other bloggers post, I realized that blogging can be so much more than that. Not only could it be a mental escape, but it can also be used to share valuable tips & tools, as well as a means to connect with others. I'm in no way "technically savvy", so seeing blogs from some "well seasoned" bloggers is quite intimidating. 

Here's my mana'o: there's so many times in live that if we at first don't succeed at something; all we need to do is simply ho'omau (or try again). How many times do we achieve perfection on the first try? In my life... never!! But that's what makes life worth living. Through trials, failed expectations, and challenges all we need to do is take a break, re-evaluate, and try again.

1 comment:

  1. It has been so much fun meeting others through blogging that otherwise may not have been possible. and also there are many interesting, inspiring, motivating posts.

    I find that I am continuously learning something related with the computers, blogging, facebooking, etc.... :o)

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Blessings & Aloha!
